Saturday, December 26, 2009


Bilden från föregående inlägg. Fast klar. Detta blir alltså min första bild med Ciao-pennorna.
Fortfarande kommer inget annat avslöjas <3


  1. va fina färgaövergångar det blev, framförallt på ansiktet. appropå blod, du borde bo häruppe nu? jag har en röd pulka vi kan dra fransosen i..

  2. Upload it on DevArt, so I can fave it ;)
    Awesöme shizzle as always. Love the bright and vibrant colors! Coloring is insanely good too, but you always were a master of the copic.


    You will like this.

    Also, how's planning for Leipzig going? My sis is leaving on the 18th in the evening and going back Saturday afternoon.

  4. Mwuahahaha! You are few days late on this one Maik.

    also I have some stuff I need to give you to play around. Related to one of your favorite game (i heard)... I have to check up if it still works, but if it does, I'll have Alice give it to your sister.

  5. Så kan det gå ...

    Stuff you need to give me to play around? Hmmm... hmmm... sounds interesting. But, why - you hardly know me?

  6. Well Alice told me you liked A game I worked with a lot ;-) and she is trusting you. That's enougth for me :-p

    Don't get your hopes up yet, I have to make it work first ^^

  7. Hmmm... there is just one GRIN game I am pretty fond of (and that is mostly due to INSANELY good music) - as I am not a "shooter"-guy (or not what passes as shooters these days anyway, back then this genre was all about steering tiny spaceships through an alien onslaught... oh well).

    Here's hoping you will make it work, then.

    Big-ups to you for trying!


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